Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is oral cancer awareness month. Here at the office every month, day and patient we are on the look out for oral cancer. Approximately 50,000 people in the United States alone will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year and only half will survive 5 years*.
At every recall appointment I am doing a comprehensive soft and hard tissue exam looking for signs of oral cancer. Your hygienist is also trained and is looking for the signs of oral cancer. Our office also has Velscope technology to help in the early detection of oral cancer. More info at /www.eagleharbordental.com/#!oral-cancer-screenings/
Your overall health is always our primary concern, so the next time you are in do not hesitate to ask about the traditional or Velscope cancer screenings.
All the best
Dr. Fugaro
* Information take from the Oral Cancer Foundation http://www.oralcancerfoundation.org/facts/